United Lithium Corp. (“United Lithium” or the “Company”) (CSE: ULTH; OTCQX: ULTHF; FWB: 0UL) is pleased to announce that the 2024 Exploration Program (“2024 Program”) started in early June at five of the Company’s 100% owned properties in Finland (Figure 1). The five properties are located within highly prospective geological terrains with the potential to host lithium-bearing pegmatite and cover a large land package of over 105,000 hectares (“ha”). Highlights of the 2024 Program are defined below.
- The 2024 Program consists of systematic exploration, mapping and sampling of Lithium-cesium-tantalum (“LCT”)-type pegmatites across the Kietyönmäki Project (“Kietyönmäki”), as well as the Kannus, Kova, Kast and Salkola property reservations.
- The goal of the 2024 Program is to identify undiscovered LCT-pegmatites and define targets for potential drilling activities in the future.
- The field work is conducted by a team of 8 geologists and is expected to continue until the beginning of September.
“We are excited to have commenced this summer’s field programs across five of our properties in highly prospective Finland. Our recently expanded land package is now one of the largest lithium portfolios in the entire country. Finland’s geology is highly conducive to hosting additional lithium deposits in addition to the Keliber Lithium Project, which is now under construction. Our exploration efforts will focus on trying to identify lithium bearing boulders as well as pegmatite outcrops, which has proven to be a simple and effective way to make discoveries in the Nordics. We continue to focus our efforts in both Sweden and Finland, with the long-term goal of contributing to the EV sector in the European Union which will require additional lithium projects to keep up with demand,” stated United Lithium’s President and CEO, Scott Eldridge.
Figure 1: Finland Project Locations

About the Kietyönmäki Project
Kietyönmäki is located within the Häme belt which comprises mainly amphibolites and mica schists intercalated with greywackes and metapelites of the Forssa Volcanic Suite (1.9-1.7 billion years old). It covers 900 ha of land. The succession has been intruded by gabbros, diorites, granodiorites, tonalites and later by K-granites as well as pegmatites. The Kietyönmäki dyke swarm is composed of several near-vertical dipping spodumene (as spodumene-quartz intergrowths) and petalite-bearing pegmatite dykes, the largest being the Main Dyke. The Main Dyke has now been drill-defined to be up to 25 m wide and more than 200 m in length and confirmed to extend to at least 160 m depth below surface.
Throughout the summer, the Company is planning to complete prospection and mapping along the same geological structure that hosts the Main Dyke at Kietyönmäki with the goal of identifying more pegmatites. Previously significant lithium intersections are summarized below:
- High-grade lithium oxide results at Kietyönmäki include (1):
- 1.52% Li2O over 25.95 m from 33.70 m depth down hole in hole ULDH-3; and
- 1.45% Li2O over 29.50 m from 69.10 m depth down hole in ULDH-4.
- Historical drill results from previous operators including:
- 1.53% Li2O over 23 m drilled by the Finnish Geological Survey (2); and
- 1.10% Li2O over 42 m by previous operator Sunstone Metals Ltd. (3)
- United Lithium News Release dated October 19, 2023
- United Lithium News Release dated February 14, 2022
- Sunstone Metals News Release dated September 12, 2016
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